Prefix Entity Continent ITU CQ
9M0Spratly Is. AS50 26
1ASovereign Military Order of Malta EU28 15
3A*Monaco EU27 14
3B6,7Agalega & St. Brandon Is. AF53 39
3B8Mauritius AF53 39
3B9Rodrigues I. AF53 39
3CEquatorial Guinea AF47 36
3C0Annobon I. AF52 36
3D2*Fiji OC56 32
3D2Conway Reef OC56 32
3D2Rotuma I. OC56 32
3DA#Kingdom of Eswatini AF57 38
3V*Tunisia AF37 33
3W,XVViet Nam AS49 26
3XGuinea AF46 35
3Y*Bouvet AF67 38
3Y*Peter 1 I. AN72 12
4J,4KAzerbaijan AS29 21
4L*Georgia AS29 21
4O*Montenegro EU28 15
4S*Sri Lanka AS41 22
4U_ITU#*ITU HQ EU28 14
4U_UN*United Nations HQ NA8 5
4W44 Timor-Leste OC54 28
4X,4ZIsrael AS39 20
5ALibya AF38 34
5B,C4,P3*Cyprus AS39 20
5H,5ITanzania AF53 37
5N*Nigeria AF46 35
5RMadagascar AF53 39
5TMauritania AF46 35
5UNiger AF46 35
5VTogo AF46 35
5WSamoa OC62 32
5XUganda AF48 37
5Y,5ZKenya AF48 37
6V,6W*Senegal AF46 35
6Y#*Jamaica NA11 8
7OYemen AS39 21
7PLesotho AF57 38
7QMalawi AF53 37
7T-7Y*Algeria AF37 33
8P*Barbados NA11 8
8Q*Maldives AS/AF41 22
8R#*Guyana SA12 9
9A*Croatia EU28 15
9G#*Ghana AF46 35
9H*Malta EU28 15
9I,9J*Zambia AF53 36
9K*Kuwait AS39 21
9L#Sierra Leone AF46 35
9M2,4*West Malaysia AS54 28
9M6,8*East Malaysia OC54 28
9NNepal AS42 22
9Q-9T*Democratic Republic of the Congo AF52 36
9UBurundi AF52 36
9VSingapore AS54 28
9XRwanda AF52 36
9Y,9Z#*Trinidad & Tobago SA11 9
A2*Botswana AF57 38
A3Tonga OC62 32
A4*Oman AS39 21
A5Bhutan AS41 22
A6United Arab Emirates AS39 21
A7*Qatar AS39 21
A9*Bahrain AS39 21
AP*Pakistan AS41 21
B* China AS (A) 23,24
BS7Scarborough Reef AS50 27
BU-BX*Taiwan AS44 24
BV9PPratas I. AS44 24
C2Nauru OC65 31
C3*Andorra EU27 14
C5#The Gambia AF46 35
C6Bahamas NA11 8
C8,C9*Mozambique AF53 37
CA-CE#*Chile SA14,16 12
CE0#*Easter I. SA63 12
CE0#*Juan Fernandez Is. SA14 12
CE0#*San Felix & San Ambrosio SA14 12
CE9/KC4^*Antarctica AN(B) (C)
CM,CO#*Cuba NA11 8
CNMorocco AF37 33
CP#*Bolivia SA12,14 10
CT*Portugal EU37 14
CT3*Madeira Is. AF36 33
CU*Azores EU36 14
CV-CX#*Uruguay SA14 13
CY0*Sable I. NA9 5
CY9*St. Paul I. NA9 5
D2,D3Angola AF52 36
D4Cape Verde AF46 35
D6*#Comoros AF53 39
DA-DR*  Y2-Y9 Federal Republic of Germany EU28 14
DU-DZ,4D-4I#*Philippines OC50 27
E3Eritrea AF48 37
E4Palestine AS39 20
E5North Cook Is. OC62 32
E5South Cook Is. OC62 32
E6*Niue OC62 32
E7#*Bosnia-Herzegovina EU28 15
EA-EH*Spain EU37 14
EA6-EH6*Balearic Is. EU37 14
EA8-EH8*Canary Is. AF36 33
EA9-EH9*Ceuta & Melilla AF37 33
EI,EJ*Ireland EU27 14
EK*Armenia AS29 21
EL#*Liberia AF46 35
EP,EQ*Iran AS40 21
ER*Moldova EU29 16
ES*Estonia EU29 15
ET*Ethiopia AF48 37
EU-EW*Belarus EU29 16
EX*Kyrgyzstan AS30,31 17
EY*Tajikistan AS30 17
EZ*Turkmenistan AS30 17
F*France EU27 14
FG,TO*Guadeloupe NA11 8
FH,TO*Mayotte AF53 39
FJ,TOSaint Barthelemy NA11 8
FK,TX*New Caledonia OC56 32
FK,TXChesterfield Is. OC56 30
FM,TO*Martinique NA11 8
FO,TO*Austral I. OC63 32
FO,TX*Clipperton I. NA10 7
FO,TX*French Polynesia OC63 32
FO,TX*Marquesas Is. OC63 31
FP*St. Pierre & Miquelon NA9 5
FR,TO*Reunion I. AF53 39
FT/G,TO*Glorioso Is. AF53 39
FT/J,E,TO*Juan de Nova, Europa AF53 39
FT/T,TO*Tromelin I. AF53 39
FS,TO*Saint Martin NA11 8
FT/W*Crozet I. AF68 39
FT/X*Kerguelen Is. AF68 39
FT/Z*Amsterdam & St. Paul Is. AF68 39
FW*Wallis & Futuna Is. OC62 32
FY*French Guiana SA12 9
G,GX,M#*England EU27 14
GD,GT*Isle of Man EU27 14
GI,GN*Northern Ireland EU27 14
GJ,GH*Jersey EU27 14
GM,GS*Scotland EU27 14
GU,GP*Guernsey EU27 14
GW,GC*Wales EU27 14
H4*Solomon Is. OC51 28
H40*Temotu Province OC51 32
HA,HG*Hungary EU28 15
HB*Switzerland EU28 14
HB0Liechtenstein EU28 14
HC,HD#*Ecuador SA12 10
HC8,HD8#*Galapagos Is. SA12 10
HH#Haiti NA11 8
HI#*Dominican Republic NA11 8
HJ,HK,5J,5K#*Colombia SA12 9
HK0#*Malpelo I. SA12 9
HK0#*San Andres & Providencia NA11 7
HL,6K-6N*Republic of Korea AS44 25
HO,HP#*Panama NA11 7
HQ,HR#*Honduras NA11 7
HS,E2*Thailand AS49 26
HVVatican EU28 15
HZ*Saudi Arabia AS39 21
I*Italy EU28 15,33
IS0,IM0*Sardinia EU28 15
J2*Djibouti AF48 37
J3#*Grenada NA11 8
J5Guinea-Bissau AF46 35
J6#*St. Lucia NA11 8
J7#*Dominica NA11 8
J8#St. Vincent NA11 8
JA-JS,7J-7N*Japan AS45 25
JD1*Minami Torishima OC90 27
JD1*Ogasawara AS45 27
JT-JV*Mongolia AS32,33 23
JW*Svalbard EU18 40
JX*Jan Mayen EU18 40
JY#*Jordan AS39 20
K,W,N  AA-AK# United States of America NA6,7,8 3,4,5
KG4#Guantanamo Bay NA11 8
KH0#Mariana Is. OC64 27
KH1#Baker & Howland Is. OC61 31
KH2#*Guam OC64 27
KH3#*Johnston I. OC61 31
KH4#Midway I. OC61 31
KH5#Palmyra & Jarvis Is. OC61,62 31
KH6,7#*Hawaii OC61 31
KH7K#Kure I. OC61 31
KH8#*American Samoa OC62 32
KH8#*Swains I. OC62 32
KH9#Wake I. OC65 31
KL,AL,NL WL#*Alaska NA1,2 1
KP1#Navassa I. NA11 8
KP2#*Virgin Is. NA11 8
KP3,4#*Puerto Rico NA11 8
KP5#Desecheo I. NA11 8
LA-LN*Norway EU18 14
LO-LW#*Argentina SA14,16 13
LX*Luxembourg EU27 14
LY*Lithuania EU29 15
LZ*Bulgaria EU28 20
OA-OC#*Peru SA12 10
OD*Lebanon AS39 20
OE*Austria EU28 15
OF-OI*Finland EU18 15
OH0*Aland Is. EU18 15
OJ0*Market Reef EU18 15
OK-OL*Czech Republic EU28 15
OM*Slovak Republic EU28 15
ON-OT*Belgium EU27 14
OU-OW,OZ*Denmark EU18 14
OX*Greenland NA5,75 40
OY*Faroe Is. EU18 14
P2Papua New Guinea OC51 28
P4*Aruba SA11 9
P5Democratic People's Rep. of Korea AS44 25
PA-PI*Netherlands EU27 14
PJ2Curacao SA11 9
PJ4Bonaire SA11 9
PJ5,6Saba & St. Eustatius NA11 8
PJ7Sint Maarten NA11 8
PP-PY,ZV-ZZ*Brazil SA(D) 11
PP0-PY0F*Fernando de Noronha SA13 11
PP0-PY0S*St. Peter & St. Paul Rocks SA13 11
PP0-PY0T*Trindade & Martim Vaz Is. SA15 11
PZSuriname SA12 9
R1/F*Franz Josef Land EU75 40
S0Western Sahara AF46 33
S2*Bangladesh AS41 22
S5*Slovenia EU28 15
S7Seychelles AF53 39
S9Sao Tome & Principe AF47 36
SA-SM,7S,8S*Sweden EU18 14
SN-SR*Poland EU28 15
STSudan AF47,48 34
SUEgypt AF38 34
SV-SZ,J4*Greece EU28 20
SV/A*Mount Athos EU28 20
SV5,J45*Dodecanese EU28 20
SV9,J49*Crete EU28 20
T2Tuvalu OC65 31
T30W. Kiribati (Gilbert Is. ) OC65 31
T31C. Kiribati (British Phoenix Is.) OC62 31
T32E. Kiribati (Line Is.) OC61,63 31
T33Banaba I. (Ocean I.) OC65 31
T5,6OSomalia AF48 37
T7*San Marino EU28 15
T8Palau OC64 27
TA-TC*Turkey EU,AS39 20
TF*Iceland EU17 40
TG,TD#*Guatemala NA12 7
TI,TE#*Costa Rica NA11 7
TI9#*Cocos I. NA12 7
TJCameroon AF47 36
TK*Corsica EU28 15
TLCentral Africa AF47 36
TNRepublic of the Congo AF52 36
TR*Gabon AF52 36
TTChad AF47 36
TUCote d'Ivoire AF46 35
TYBenin AF46 35
TZMali AF46 35
UA-UI1-7  RA-RZ* European Russia EU(E) 16
UA2,RA2*Kaliningrad EU29 15
UA-UI8-0  RA-RZ* Asiatic Russia AS(F) (G)
UJ-UMUzbekistan AS30 17
UN-UQ*Kazakhstan AS29,31 17
UR-UZ  EM-EO* UkraineEU 2916
V2#*Antigua & Barbuda NA11 8
V3#Belize NA11 7
V4St. Kitts & Nevis NA11 8
V5*Namibia AF57 38
V6Micronesia OC65 27
V7#*Marshall Is. OC65 31
V8*Brunei Darussalam OC54 28
VA-VG  VO,VY#* CanadaNA (H)1,5
VK,AX#*Australia OC(I) 29,3
VK0*Heard I. AF68 39
VK0*Macquarie I. OC60 30
VK9C*Cocos (Keeling) Is. OC54 29
VK9L*Lord Howe I. OC60 30
VK9M*Mellish Reef OC56 30
VK9N*Norfolk I. OC60 32
VK9W*Willis I. OC55 30
VK9X*Christmas I. OC54 29
VP2EAnguilla NA11 8
VP2M*Montserrat NA11 8
VP2V*British Virgin Is. NA11 8
VP5*Turks & Caicos Is. NA11 8
VP6#*Pitcairn I. OC63 32
VP6Ducie I. OC63 32
VP8Falkland Is. SA16 13
VP8,LU*South Georgia I. SA73 13
VP8,LU*South Orkney Is. SA73 13
VP8,LU*South Sandwich Is. SA73 13
VP8,LU,CE9,HF0,4K1*  South Shetland Is. SA73 13
VP9*Bermuda NA11 5
VQ9*Chagos Is. AF41 39
VR*Hong Kong AS44 24
VU*India AS41 22
VU4*Andaman & Nicobar Is. AS49 26
VU7*Lakshadweep Is. AS41 22
XA-XI3#*Mexico NA10 6
XA4-XI4#*Revillagigedo NA10 6
XT*Burkina Faso AF46 35
XUCambodia AS49 26
XWLaos AS49 26
XX9*Macao AS44 24
XY,XZMyanmar AS49 26
YA,T6Afghanistan AS40 21
YB-YH*Indonesia OC51,54 28
YI*Iraq AS39 21
YJ*Vanuatu OC56 32
YK*Syria AS39 20
YL*Latvia EU29 15
YN,H6-7  HT#* NicaraguaNA 117
YO-YR*Romania EU28 20
YS,HU#*El Salvador NA11 7
YT,YU*Serbia EU28 15
YV-YY,4M*Venezuela SA12 9
YV0#*Aves I. NA11 8
Z2Zimbabwe AF53 38
Z3*North Macedonia (Republic of) EU28 15
Z6*Republic of Kosovo EU28 15
Z8South Sudan (Republic of) AF48 34
ZAAlbania EU28 15
ZB2*Gibraltar EU37 14
ZC4*UK Sovereign Base Areas on Cyprus AS39 20
ZD7*St. Helena AF66 36
ZD8*Ascension I. AF66 36
ZD9Tristan da Cunha & Gough I. AF66 38
ZF*Cayman Is. NA11 8
ZK3*Tokelau Is. OC62 31
ZL-ZM*New Zealand OC60 32
ZL7*Chatham Is. OC60 32
ZL8*Kermadec Is. OC60 32
ZL9*New Zealand Subantarctic Islands OC60 32
ZP$*Paraguay SA14 11
ZR-ZU#*Republic of South Africa AF57 38
ZS8* Prince Edward & Marion Is. AF 57 38
Also 3Y, 8J1, AT0, DP0, FT8Y, LU, OR4, VK0, R1AW, VP8, ZL5, ZS1, ZX0, etc. QSL via country under whose auspices the particular station is operating. The availability of a third-party traffic agreement and a QSL Bureau applies to the country under whose auspices the particular station is operating.
Zone Notes can be found with Prefix Cross References.

* Indicates current list of entities for which QSLs may be forwarded by the ARRL membership Outgoing QSL Service.
# Indicates entities with which US Amateurs may legally handle third-party message traffic.

1*  Unofficial prefix.
2-* 5T Only contacts made June 20, 1960, and after, count for this entity.AF 4635
3-* 5U Only contacts made August 3, 1960, and after, count for this entity. AF46 35
4-* 6W Only contact made June 20, 1960, and after, count for this entity. AF46 35
5-* 7O Only contacts made May 22, 1990, and after, count for this entity. AS39 21
6-* 9A,S5 Only contacts made June 26, 1991, and after, count for this entity. EU28 15
7-* 9G Only contacts made March 5, 1957, and after, count for this entity. AF46 35
8-* 9M2,4,6,8 Only contacts made September 16, 1963, and after, count for this entity. AS54 28
9-* 9U, 9X Only contacts made July 1, 1962, and after, count for this entity. AF52 36
10-* 9V Contacts made from September 16, 1963 to August 8, 1965, count for West Malaysia. AS54 28
11-* BS7 Only contacts made January 1, 1995, and after, count for this entity. AS50 27
12-* BV9P Only contact made January 1, 1994, and after, count for this entity. AS44 24
13-* D6,FH Only contacts made July 6, 1975, and after, count for this entity. AF53 39
14-* DA-DR Only contacts made with DA-DL stations September 17, 1973, and after, and contacts made Y2-Y9 stations October 3, 1990 and after, count for this entity. EU28 14
15-* E3 Only contacts made November 14, 1962, and before, or May 24, 1991, and after, count for this entity. AF48 37
16-* FO,TX Only contacts made after 23:59 UTC, March 31, 1998 count for this entity. OC63 32
17-* FR,TO Only contacts made June 25, 1960, and after, count for this entity. AF53 39
18-* H40 Only contacts made after 23:59 UTC, March 31, 1998 count for this entity. OC 51 32
19-* JD Formerly Marcus Island. AS 90 27
20-* JD Formerly Bonin and Volcano Islands AS45 27
21-* T8 Valid prefix January 1, 1994, or after OC 64 27
22-* KP5 Only contacts made March 1, 1979, and after, count for this entity. NA 11 8
23-* OK-OL, OM Only contacts made January 1, 1993, and after, count for this entity. EU 28 15
24-* P2 Only contacts made September 16, 1975, and after count for this entity. OC 51 28
25-* P4 Only contacts made January 1, 1986, and after, count for this entity. SA 11 9
26-* P5 Only contacts made May 14, 1995, and after, count for this entity. AS 44 25
27-* S0 Contacts with Rio de Oro AF 46 33
28-* T2 Only contacts made January 1, 1976, and after, count for this entity. OC 65 31
29-* E7 New prefix for Bosnia - Herzegovina effective November 17, 2007. Contacts are valid EU28 15
30-* TL Only contacts made August 13, 1960, and after, count for this entity. AF 47 36
31-* TN Only contacts made August 15, 1960, and after, count for this entity. AF 52 36
32-* TR Only contacts made August 17, 1960, and after, count for this entity. AF 52 36
33-* TT Only contacts made August 11, 1960, and after, count for this entity. AF 47 36
34-* TU Only contacts made August 7, 1960, and after, count for this entity. AF 46 35
35-* TY Only contacts made August 1, 1960, and after, count for this entity. AF 46 35
36-* TZ Only contacts made June 20, 1960, and after, count for this entity. AF 46 35
37-* V4,VP2 For DXCC credit for contacts made May 31, 1958, and before, see page 97, June 1958 QST. NA 11 8
38-* V6 Includes Yap Islands January 1, 1981, and after. OC 65 27
39-* XT Only contacts made August 16, 1960, and after, count for this entity. AF 46 35
40-* YB Only contacts made May 1, 1963, and after, count for this entity. OC 51,54 28
41-* Z3 Only contacts made September 8, 1991, and after, count for this entity. EU 28 15
42-* ZC4 Only contacts made August 16, 1960, and after, count for this entity. AS 39 20
43-* E4 Only contacts made February 1, 1999, and after, count for this entity. AS39 20
44-* 4W Only contacts made March 1, 2000, and after, count for this entity. OC54 28
45-* FK/C Only contacts made March 23, 2000, and after, count for this entity. OC 56 30
46-* VP6 Only contacts made November 16, 2001, and after, count for this entity. OC 63 32
47- 4O* Only contacts made June 28, 2006, and after, count for this entity. EU28 15
48-* KH8 Only contacts made July 22, 2006, and after, count for this entity. OC 62 32
49-* FJ Only contacts made December 14, 2007, and after, count for this entity. NA 11 8
50-* PJ2 Only contacts made starting 0400 UTC October 10, 2010, or after, count for this entity. SA 11 9
51-* PJ4 Only contacts made starting 0400 UTC October 10, 2010, or after, count for this entity. SA 11 9
52-* PJ5, 6 Only contacts made starting 0400 UTC October 10, 2010, or after, count for this entity. NA 11 8
53-* PJ7 Only contacts made starting 0400 UTC October 10, 2010, or after, count for this entity. NA 11 8
54-* Z8 Only contacts made July 14, 2011, or after, count for this entity. AF 48 34
55-* Z6 Only contacts made January 21, 2018, or after, count for this entity. EU 28 15
^ Also 3Y, 8J1, AT0, DP0, FT8Y, LU, OR4, VK0, R1AW, VP8, ZL5, ZS1, ZX0, etc. QSL via country under whose auspices the particular station is operating. The availability of a third-party traffic agreement and a QSL Bureau applies to the country under whose auspices the particular station is operating.