My beginning in Radio Club YU4EBP

Radio klub ''Radivoj Rodić'' - Bosanski Petrovac BiH ex YU..

54 years ago, I heard some sounds that drew me into the room, where my future mentor explained that through those boxes (which I had seen in cowboy movies), were morse codes, and that was how he communicated with people in the world.
The equipment of the Radio Club was in that time very old, but after the first tours with the help of friends amateur radio from other radio clubs, and involvement in the youth, we started the Radio Club YU4EBP in my birth place.
Through persistence and quality training mentor, team class (III) radio operators were quickly created and works on the bands 80/40m with the presence of a mentor. Over time other devices then the Geloso line arrived and then the Atlas 210x, antenna construction, DX and competitions.
The new device, the new Donit QUAD antenna for the upper bands, the Delta loop for 40m and the old Dipole for 80m opened the conditions for new DX connections, communication with all continents, which until then was a rarity and only during sleepless nights.

  • In 1968, we worked with old RX BC-312d and home made TX (YU4SN -SK) with PL509 in output, (unfortunately those pictures do not exist).
  • Since 1971, a used Geloso line has been acquired, (also no pictures - internet).
  • In 1975, the ATLAS 210x transceiver finally arrived. (Only one picture in the work.)